Thursday, July 31, 2008

Vacation Part III: When in the Mountains,

Eat as the Mountaineers do!

What is this lovely plate of food you ask? The name of it on the menu says "Balls to the Walls".

Otherwise know as Mountain Oysters.

Tasty!! Taste just like chicken pork tenderloins (hmmm, what are Tender Loins made of??) Mercede enjoyed them.

My brother-n-law Matt looks satisfied.

My mom even ate some,even though I think it was because of all the peer pressure.I'm not sure my dad ate any as I can't find a picture of it. My husband was a LOSER and wouldn't eat any.

You know my sister Kristi was eating it up as this is another photo op for her (blah ha ha ha, Did I mention that I love my sister, but I am older so I get to be mean to her)

Now my nephew whom is very tiny for his 11 years of age, he is a very picky eater, he was hogging them all down, heck we hardly got any. I think his momma better start fixing him these tasty nuggets for dinner everynight!

Now Cheyenne had one, but as soon as she found out what it was, she was not too please with her momma. But if your wanting someone to try a Mountain Oyster, you can't tell them what it is, so you tell them it is a Fried Mushroom, then as it is settling in their mouth, you tell them the truth!

I had not told Cheyenne quite yet, dang if I didn't get that picture! Now with my youngest you could never pull the fried mushroom story cause she HATES mushrooms, but friend chicken nuggets, that is another story.

Now this is for my sister Kristi who had to leave before my Child Husband and I had caught enough trout to feed everyone. As Kids, Kristi and I loved to freak out people with trout heads and trout eyes. People thought it was weird we left trout heads on when we ate them. These pictures are for you Kristi, Sorry your weren't there to let your son make the kind of memories we used to make.

I leave you with the lyric's to a favorite Dr. Demento song of mine....

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

In the morning,
Laughing happy fish heads,
In the evening,
Floating in the soup,

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

Ask a fish head,
Anything you want to,
They won't answer,
They can't talk

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

I took a fish head,
Out to see a movie,
Didn't have to pay
To get it in

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

They cant play baseball,
They dont wear sweaters,
There not good dancers,
They dont play drums

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

Roly poly fish heads are never seen
Drinking cappucino in Italian resturants,
With oriental women, yeah

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum, (yum!)

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum

Fish heads fish heads,
Roly poly fish heads,
Fish heads fish heads,
Eat them up yum,



Anonymous said...

You make me laugh!! Love the pics (and especially the song).

I'm bummed we didn't get to meet IRL, but glad we got to chat the one night!!!

WheresMyAngels said...

I know, I wish we would of gotten to meet, course, I would of kipnapped your daughter ;)

Anonymous said...

I just threw up a little when I saw the eyeless fish heads, then the eye on the end of a finger. Thanks for helping me along with my eating disorder!!

Sorry, but I am not eating the balls of anything, whether they are to the wall, to the floor or to the frickin' ceiling!

liesel said...

Oh my gosh. You and your sister crack me up, reminds me of me and my sister.

Kristi Smith said...

I love the eye on the finger photo!!! That one is priceless.

Look at that cute photo I took of you!!! ;)

Linda said...

OK...I think I'm officially nauseated now! No thanks on the "mushrooms" and that fish eye...OMG!

Tiffany said...

Balls to the Walls. I SO would have ordered that.

WheresMyAngels said...

Kristi, I will admit you take much better photo's than I. And look you don't even need to photo shop my wrinkles out of it. Man imagine how hot that picture would be if you did photofake it for me.

Lori said...

LMAO on the your last comment!!

And ew on the fish head. But it takes more than that to gain an eating disorder for me. Thus the diet for the high cholesterol. I'll pretty much eat anything. (...see the raw oatmeal post)

Ok, is a mountain oyster an actual oyster? Or is it like goat balls or what???

stefanie said...


I cannot believe you actually eat Rocky Mountain Oysters. I thought they were just something that was served as a joke and no one actually ate them.



must not be blank said...

I would eat the fish with the head before the Mountain Oysters. Those things belong on an episode of "Fear Factor".
Even my husband wouldn't eat that....and he eats nearly anything!

WheresMyAngels said...

Lori, start reading your comments on your blog!! lol And start reading the links on mine so you know what Mountain Oysters are!! lol

Sinner, on fear factor they ate them raw, no way in the world would I do that. Also, at first it was only going to be me, my brother in law and all my clueless kids that ate them. But after we said they were good , everyone dug in. It was a first time for all of us! Plus it make's for good blogging (a Blog opt)

Lori said...

*GULP* EWWWWWWWWW I would NOT eat those! lol

Scott said...

Was that ketchup I saw? So, ketchup is the proper condiment for balls! Good to know! *lol*

Kristi Smith said...

You don't need Photoshopped because I knew what lighting to use to cover them up!!!! HA!

Okay, so you don't have as many wrinkles as me. And I know what you will say to that but when you hit your goal we will still see if I have the most wrinkles. I bet I will. ;)

Insane Mama said...

OMG you ate them! Yea! I tried goat testicles when I was in China.

Robin said...

Brave souls for trying those. I don't think I could eat one even with money being offered. The fish wouldn't be so bad. Love the song.

Claremont First Ward said...

You are kidding me there is a restaurant that serves balls of cows, (I'm guessing) and people actually eat there? Yikes. If you pulled that over on me I don't know if I could have forgiven you! :)

Heather said...

YOU ATE THEM? You actually ate the Rocky Mountain Oysters? I live in the Rocky Mountains and have never tried them. Ewwwww....

WheresMyAngels said...

That you know of Heather, that you know of ;)

Anonymous said...

Great Photos. I love the one of your youngest...looks like she's a little...grossed out?

JennyH said...

Sounds like everyone had a fun time - most of it anyway. Sucks you got a ticket!! Love the picture with the fish eye. Your daughter has beautiful eyes!

Bethany said...

OMG no offense, but that fish head is disgusting! You actually eat that like that?! LOL

WheresMyAngels said...

Yes, we always left them on but we don't eat them!! lol You know it is illegal to sell trout without their heads on. I know this because I worked in a seafood store for four years and people got upset seeing them on. Trout is the only fish I grew up with that we left the heads on, no others!! lol