We left Sunday night after my Child Husband got off work at 10:30 pm. I had to drive cause Child Husband made me. So as I am speeding thru Kansas City at 1am, I get pulled over for speeding. Yes, I just know I posted about getting a speeding ticket like a month ago. NO I did not follow my own advice and poke at my eye's to start the crying, cause that only works on the city police, this was a Trooper and that kind of stuff never works on them. They are too busy making diamonds up their bums (Ain't that right E "who never reads my blog", your Sarge probably has a whole mine by now). Anywho I took my ticket, and was on my merry way. Around 4am we stopped in Lincoln, NE to get a hotel. We stopped at a Days Inn and there was BLOOD all around the front door. My husband told me that the clerk said some woman had cut herself and needed to use the phone. So we drive all the way around the building and get out and there is Blood everywhere going in a LONG trail back to the front door. I'm thinking the woman must of slit her wrist cause you don't spurt like that over a reg cut. I'm kicking myself for not getting pictures to post!! lol You know you want to see them. Anywho, we wake up the next day to finish our journey to Poudre Canyon. We need to get there before dark. Child Husband gets obsessed with things and decided he had to have crickets to fish with, even though I told him you use Salmon eggs to catch the trout. So he pulls off in this town in the middle of No Where Nebraska to find a bait shop. He finds out there is a lake nearby and he is sure we are going to find crickets there. TWO HOURS later, we are still in No Where, Nebraska, but found no crickets. But we did find this lovely Soda machine...
WAIT, That ain't a Diet Dew but Leeches... OMGosh
This sign was also in the same town, can anyone explain what pickles got to do with bingo???
Needless to say after our two hour cricket stop, we got to our destination after dark.
My Landon
2 days ago
Wow. Sorry about the ticket; that STINKS! I have to ask...you saw all that BLOOD and suspected something odd was up, yet checked in and went to sleep!? That is TOO funny! (and yes, I wish you had taken photos!)
It was 4am, and all the other hotels were full!! I wanted some sleep, I was too tired to even think of the camera. But not to worry, I got other gruesome pictures to post.
Your brave...I think I have seen one to many horror shows, I would have been searching for another hotel IMMEDIATELY!!LOL!
The crying thing has always worked for me when I got pulled over! Pretty sad though, I would tell my kids, "Shhh, don't say anything, I'm going to cry to get out of the ticket." I know, not a very good role model, but hey, I was a single mom with no money.
I enjoyed reading your Blog, will definitely be back again.
Is the picture of the "town" with the truck your final destination? I'm kind of scared for you, the blood? I think I would have continued driving, no matter how tired I was. Yikes! Thanks for stopping by Pocket Change yesterday. BTW, there are no little people, we're all on a level playing field.
I stayed in Lincoln Nebraska for a week once. It was the longest and worst week of my life!
Sorry about your speeding ticket, that sucks!
Ok, so being a northern florida girl who loves to fish.. imma have to say I want one of those vending machines! (and I can totally relate to child husband's needs.. the right bait is essential, ya know :)
As for a bloody hotel thats straight out of COPS. Not sure I could stay there even with a resonable explanation.
But Mindy, that is the whole point. Child Husband had never fished for trout in Colorado, I had. He just wouldn't listen to the Salmon Egg advice I gave him. Course now he knows I was right!! lol
And Caroline, that was by far, not our destination!! lol
Ah well good point! I guess the men in our lives are just stubborn.. LOL
Ewww..I have a hard time with clean, 4 star hotels...I would have NEVER gotten out of the car once I saw the blood at the front door.
And were you doing all of this with the girls too? lol
It's just blood!! You can step over it!
I am from Nebraska, Lincoln actually...Pickle cards are like pull-tabs here so a kind of gambling card thingee.
Glad you had a great trip. I loved the pictures!
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