Since I came back from vacation last Tuesday I have worked 16 hour days everyday except Monday (I only worked 10 hours that day). It is mostly my fault cause I let three staff go on vacation last week. Then I also have a pager for another person who is on vacation and one of her staff went into the hospital so I am covering their shift, until today. I got someone to work it and I spent most of the day with my kids. We spent quality time together this morning by sleeping in til 11am. Well that is trying too. My pager went off over 7 times before 11. I also had two phone calls from staff. Then I worked about 3 hours came home and took the girls to Mamma Mia. I really love ABBA and couldn't wait to see this. It was cheesy but so was the best movie of the 80's Dirty Dancing ("No one puts baby in the corner"), which I also watched today. I didn't have pockets on what I wore and I needed to have my pager on vibrate so it wouldn't PO the movie goers. I finally thought of a place to put it that another person I work for uses. My bra!! lol I finally have something to put in it. The girls loved the movie, Aysha slept thru half of it and Mercede only started saying "I want to go home" during the last hour of it. Cheyenne will watch any movie and even after she drinks 64 oz of caffiene, she still won't budge and leave a movie to pee. Pierce Bronson gave a stellar singing performance, if he has a CD out, it will be a must buy. His singing was so incredible that you could hear laughter all thru the theater. Oh and remember when Meryl Streep played in Death Becomes Her, I swear after watching her in this movie, she has actually stubbled aross a magic potion to make her younger (like in the movie), she could really move like a teen. After waking up during the ending of the movie, I took the kids to Barns and Noble so I could get the Twilight books the SITS sisters are always squealing about. Then I came home and read up on Emma Hope and your prayers are working. She is doing so well. Hopefully Emma will be alot sweeter than my Mercede. Mercede like's listening to the radio and turned on some horrid Satan music, I can't believe there is a station that even plays such music, leave it to Mercede to find it. She also refused to turn the station or turn it off. I told her she had at least 26 more days til she was old enough to run off and join a cult. I wish she could be a good child like her sister Cheyenne and just stay in her room all day watching TV and reading and never being seen. I need more children like that ;)
Oh on a note to my father. Dad, you know there are links in a lot of my post that you can click on? You don't have to go and do name searches trying to find out what I am talking about. (please don't get mad at me for poking fun of you and not come get my kids this weekend. Oh, hope mom wasn't keeping that a surprise)
It’s Rodeo San Antonio!
1 week ago
I really want to see Mama Mia, even if it is cheesy. I heart Abba and grew up singing and dancing along with them. I even went to the Abba movie!!!
I did like the movie, just not the ending.
LMAO! You kill me!
Your two oldest girls really are complete opposites aren't they? lol I can't believe the youngest slept through it...I'm so jealous. Ben doesn't sleep through 104 temp.
LOL at your poke at your dad ;P
You can have my kids...both stay in their rooms with the door shut all day long doing their thing. I never see them unless they are hungry--or if my chance I am in the bathroom. My using the bathroom will bring them out every single time! So if you are not a bigtime bathroom user and keep a well stocked fridge, these are the kids for you!! LOL
Those kids of yours crack me up. And these Twilight books everyone is raving about... Are they really that good. Or do you know yet? Also I am so glad to hear that Emma is doing well. Ok so let me know about those books.
I want to see Mama Mia now! Abba was after my time, I was having kids then. LOL You crack me up, yes the radio has some weird stuff going on, we have driven across the US, and the local stations are even stranger. ;o)
Kori, so far it isn't bad, but it isn't living quite up to expectations, but then again, I'm not a vampire person. I'll let you know when I finish it.
Hey I have a non-related question, I like how your post paragraphs are stretched all the way out across the whole page. Any chance that you'd be able to explain to me how to do that? I've been trying and I can't figure it out. I hate how my text area is so skinny!
Hey I got it off of John Deer mom's blog. I'll go search and see if I can find it and I will email the link to you. It also had a way to stretch the header but that didn't work for me.
Your header is stretched but your graphic IN the header spot is not big enough. ;)
Oh shut up Lori!! lol
Yay! Another won over to the Twi-side! I can't wait to read what you think of it.
I want to go see Mama Mia. I think that one is going to be and Aidan and I movie. I don't know thou...Jay does love a good musical!
I've heard allot of good things about that Twilight series and they're making a movie aren't they??
Tell everyone hi for me!
I loved Mama Mia! It was very entertaining!
Your daughter listens to Satan Music? That's hilarious.
I wish the actors in Mama Mia could sing. It would have made the movie a lot better. But it was entertaining.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today and commenting on how movie idols make me feel old. mamma Mia sounds like another good movie to see. Of course Pierce Brosnan was younger than me when he was Bond. And so is Daniel Craig. Damn.
I have to wait till it come sout on video. :(
I haven't seen mama mia yet. It's on the list. I could never drink a 64 ounce drink and not pee... She must have a strong bladder.
According to all those in blogland--I must read the Twilight series and see Mama Mia! I almost went to see it on Tuesday, but ended up seeing the Mummy instead. If I'm going to pay $10 for a ticket, there needs to be some blowing up, special effects involved---and not just singing that would be about the same seen on DVD. I'm a stick in the mud!
I loved your subtle "praise" concerning Pierce Brosnan's singing :)!
I can't wait to see Momma Mia.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who wishes my kids would all stay in their rooms all day and watch TV like the 2-yo likes to do. At least I'm getting him trained right.
OMG, when I read what you wrote about PB, I was incredulous! Too funny. Yes, Meryl Streep was incredible. She didn't even look like she's had plastic surgery (has she?) but she looked amazing.
Don't feel bad, I fell asleep watching Star Wars when it revived in the theaters in the 90's...I couldn't stay awake through a movie with ABBA music either...
Hi! thanks for stopping by our blog and saying hello:) I saw the play of Mamma Mia and it was fantastic...glad to hear the movie is good too! And I just bought the Twilight book too after all the SITS girls are talking about it.
You have a neat little blog here. Thanks for visiting me the other day.
OHHH My X MIL suggested that movie, she really loved it! I'd have to get some friends to go with, as I'm sure my boys & husband would totally refuse to go with me! LOL
Great blog u hav here....will be following for sure!
I love Mercede's countdown to age 18, when all the "fun activities" can begin! (: That bday is going to be a blog post all by itself...
I was coerced into seeing the play Mamma Mia live, which ended up being great... as for the movie version, sounds fun, though it's awkward to think of ol' Pierce trying to sing, yeeesh
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