Mercede wore these shoes to school.
They aren't her shoes, they belong to her sister. Mercede at age almost 18 has a child size 12 foot. These are her sisters size 7 shoes. I was so proud seeing her walk off the bus with them on. What the teachers must think of me. UGH
Sorry Scott, I just couldn't do that post I told you about, I know you understand why ;)
My Landon
2 days ago
Hi! Thanks for commenting again at Killing A Fly. Those musicals can be pretty hard to take can't they?
I read your birth story (Mercede and Cheyenne) - what a cool story. Except for the negative attitudes - where does that geneticist GET OFF!? I would like to smack him silly.
And I also followed the link to the r-word website. Surely people aren't still using the r-word in this day and age? I thought that was dead years ago. Maybe that's just because I support people with disabilities in my work and we see every "deficit" as an opportunity for learning, I don't know.
I love that she wore the big shoes. The teachers probably thought it was cute...I would have.
LMAO at your Leave your comment statement! lol How did you change it????
And OMG that is freakin funny about Mercede wearing those shoes that are HUGE on her tiny feet! lmao!!!!!!! Hey, it's not any different then letting our 7 year olds dress themselves for school in the morn. The teachers KNOW. lol
I'm sure her teachers just smiled :) Kids... they just manage to keep you wondering don't they?
Thanks for the comment love on my blog!
Ok besides the fact that I'm nosey about the post you couldn't do.
Way to go Mercede for being her own person and wearing what she wants to wear no matter how big. lol
Those are the tiniest feet I have ever seen (except for on a newborn of course). Is she part Japanese?!
Oh my gosh. I'm DYING. DYING. THis is so funny!
That is so funny. I remember wearing two different shoes to Jr. High, and then just last year I wore two different shoes to the dentist, I'm such a dork!
That is so funny. My two children live in their 'jelly' shoes (their name, not mine) and I HATE them. They look so, I don't know, cartoony Stepford Wivesy.
Thanks so much for visiting, I really do appreciate it.
It was great to 'meet' you and your plastic shoe wearing daughter (and I love the prayer comment!)
PS: REALLY sorry about the rubbish code! Thanks for perservering!
Good one Gayla!
*lol* should have posted it! You suck!
Thanks Givinya De Elba! I changed the wording on the story to say "Children's" instead of Mercede's, since it does focus some on them all. I have a ton more horrid doctor stories that some day I will blog about.
Kori, it was a Hot Tub story, enough said >:0
Molly, nope not part Japanese, thought I bet she could wear some of them weird shoes.
Nicole, I would of LMAO if I saw you at the dentist office like that!! lol
Tara, I HATE crocs, they are so ugly but they are Mercede's favorite shoes.
Scott, well at least you already know the story!
That is so cute! Don't you just love how they sneak right by us...or maybe we just learn not to focus on every little thing so we don't go CRAZY!LOL!
My son had a favorite shirt that had gotten a hole right in the front...I told him to throw it away. A week later I pick him up from school and here he comes, half his stomach showing...I feel your horror!!!HaHaHa
Sounds familiar. My son likes to wear his sister's girlie flip flops that are 3 sizes too big!
That is too funny! I can remember wearing mom's pantyhose to school and they kept gathering around at the ankles.
Who cares what people think... I love your attitude
That is funny! I wonder if they kept falling off all day.
This is HYSTERICAL! I love that you celebrated the fact that she wore them--or didn't get mad at least. My mom let me wear the same Snow White dress to school every day for 6 weeks in a row. She claims she washed it every night. You and I both know she didn't. I have 5 siblings. There was no way she had time. But... I love that she let me make my own choices. And, I love that it is a funny story I can share with my boys. They actually think it is gross, but when I change it to be Star Wars related, they think I am the most awesome mom on the planet and want to follow suit. Fortunately, they wear uniforms :).
OMG that is hilarious!
Good post.
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