On Monday, Mercede's teacher called me because she wondered why Mercede was saying "I'm going to go home and smoke cigarettes." over and over... Hmmmmmmmm WHY could that be????
What do you get when you cross some electrical cords, electrical tape, Styrofoam cooler and a thermostat?
I'm not sure, but I will let you know when ,
Cheyenne probably feels negleted that I don't post about her much. But that is cause she is the "good" one.
The 18th was my son Christopher's 25th Birthday. I haven't seen him in over 2 1/2 years. He lives in Ohio with his birth mom. My girls and I miss him and need to make a road trip to see him.
Yesterday I stopped by the Pennies in My Pocket blog and bought $150 worth of certificates to some great restaurants for only $12 dollars. That sale ended yesterday and I almost missed it because I stopped by her blog so late. I've got to remember to hit this blog early everyday cause I'm going to be eating good the next two months :)
UPDATE: Sale on gift certificates now ends on Monday.
I lost three pounds last week, but then Child Husband brought home Krispie Creme donuts and I ate 5 of them in 12 hours.
Please don't tell my peeps at

Today, Friday, Mercede came home from school with this shirt, I think her teacher is trying to make a point!

I think tomorrow, I should get rid of my puking pumpkin. I don't think he will be with us by Thanksgiving. What do you think?

If your interested in doing a Friday Fragment, join Mrs 4444 at Half-past Kissing Time every Friday.
Love that Mercede and the bad habit that she doesn't have. She is too funny.
Let us know how it works out with the certificates. I saw that promo too, but the cynic in me refused to believe it was for real.
Awesome post!
The "smoking" is cracking me up! I used to do that with a crayon. You know, pretend to smoke.
(Okay, it was last week. Same idea.)
:^) Anna
Hehe, I'd love to be a fly on the wall in Mercede's classroom!
Excellent fragments today, my dear :) Threw my pumpkins into the woods a few weeks ago (before they were "dead") because I get very grossed out by picking those mushy ones up; GAG!
Love the T-shirt! My Friday Fragments are too dark today :}!
LMAO @ the smoking too funny!! That T-shirt is too much!
Can't wait to see what your oldest child turns all that crap into LOL
I threw my Pumpkins out back in the veggie garden. Apparently it is good for the soil.
Did you think it was something dirty! HAHAAAAAAAA
About those donuts, I've been a professional donut eater for years. It takes talent, courage, and then there's the creativity needed to get the jeans zipped after. There are just a few of us out there, and I think you've joined the ranks. Don't apologize. Be PROUD!
There will be awards for you at my blog today!
okay so i've got a husband similiar to yours. and get kind of nervous when he starts fixing things. nothing has wrecked yet, i should just trust him. lol. and i LOVE your daughter. i wish i could meet her. she is hilarious, and makes me miss the times i spent in the CD room as an aide in high school. fun times!!
Oh my gosh, that is too funny Gayla, I laughed most of my butt off!!!
I love that the teacher gave her a shirt.
Great post! I love updates!
It hilarious how badly your daughter wants to smoke. Funny T-shirt.
I'm totally checking out Pennies in my Pocket!
I can't believe I missed that sale. How did that happen?
Maybe you should talk to Mercedes about what happens when you smoke and have oxygen at the same time :-) Or. Wait. That might be enticing, too.
I am off to see what restaurant.com might have in my neck of the woods.
Ummm...I think that pumpkin has become a health hazard lol. Great post!
nappy pumpkin! lol
Congrats on the 3lbs!
I'm so sorry you haven't seen your son in 2 1/2 years! That's heart breaking.
Shoot, that T Shirt is killing me. I think your pumpkin has that stomach bug that is going around.
Good for you on the Krispie Kreams, you need a treat once in a while.
For a minute I thought you were just being mean telling us about the certificates at Pennies... after they were already gone. 'Til Monday, huh? Better head over. These fragments are too fun!
you Americans have some nice holidays here in Brasil, only 3 commemorate St. John, Carnival and Easter, the others go unnoticed, the other holidays just know because we do not need work HAHA, just know practically the day before, and never commemorate always traveling, I admire that in American!!
I think my day felt like a fragment Friday today, what so I call that, Shitty Sunday?!!!
I hadn't seen a Friday Fragment before, but I LOVED it. My favorite, of course is Mercedes and her smoking obsession. The T Shirt Slayed me. Slayed me. LOve it.
hahaha- i love your fragments!
Another great post...your Mercede cracks me up!
How funny! I love that shirt!
That pumpkin cracks me up. Although it's not as bad as the pumpkin we had a few years back when it was unseasonably warm and maggots were swarming out of the mouth. Talk about a horror show!
Oh my goodness you just makee me smile!!!
Mrecedes you crack me up!!
You really need to be a better role model for Mercede!!haha
I totally missed out on those restaurant certificates!!! Darnit!
Hell yeah I went to see Twilight again. Thrid time is a charm, ain't that what they always say. I will wait for the DVD now. Then I can watch it everyday.
Thanks for the Bday wishes.
How funny...I haven't been by in a long time and I miss all of your stories! Sorry, I've been so swamped I've barely been able to blog.
Football's over so I will have more time to stop by. Thanks for all your comments, it means a lot to me!!
I hope she never get close to cigarettes...
well... while you are busy loosing weight, I'm dying gaining it. oh world... :(
Your kids crack me up. I laughed so hard I about peed my pants when you wrote that Mercede was going to smoke cigarettes!
Holy cow, I can't believe your puking pumpkin is still hanging in there. Ours turned to mush within two days of carving!
Holy cow, I can't believe your puking pumpkin is still hanging in there. Ours turned to mush within two days of carving!
Holy cow, I can't believe your puking pumpkin is still hanging in there. Ours turned to mush within two days of carving!
That is hilarious! And the shirt....Too Funny!!! :)
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