On my weekend getaway last weekend. I went to a birthday party for a woman I went to church with all my life growing up. Dathea is one of the nicest people you would ever meet. Very sweet, polite and always very well dressed. She is 100 years old now. Many people ask how she has lived such a long life. I have never asked, as I have it figured out.
She NEVER Married or had KIDS!
That's how you live to be 100!
I'm lucky to have made it to 40.
It’s Rodeo San Antonio!
1 week ago
He he - now that is funny and probably true. Now if you tell me she smokes like a chimney, lives on McDonalds and drinks like a fish I will so believe you. Hope you enjoyed your time away and got some rest!
She's never married and has no kids...I'd say she's a pretty smart woman!
Hope you have a great week!
Maybe she would want Child Husband?
That would do it! Too funny! :)
She is my hero!
Wow.....100! AMAZING!!!
My husband's grandpa is 97 and still kicking. He's made it this far by sitting on his butt giving orders and expecting others to wait on him hand and foot while he does nothing to help himself.
Sounds like a plan to me!
haha! My great grandma lived to be 100 w/ a cheatin' husband, 3 kids, and raised 2 of her grandchildren. I attributed it to snortin' snuff and drinkin' port wine. Weird.
My great uncle lived to 101.... he was late to his 99th birthday party because he was getting his drivers license renewed.
On his 100th birthday, he played the drums in a polka band.
He was married for... get this... 83 years.
wow, so funny, but dont talk like that your daughters should be lovely
I would love to have playfull children yes!!, I love children
your friend should be beautiful can be wonderful to have 100
...have a great week!!
Looove it! Too funny.
Yup, that sounds like the perfect recipe to live to a hundred to me;) LOL
HAHAHA - I am still aughing, but it must be true.
There might be some truth to that! Although my Godmother married twice, she never had children and lived to be almost 97!
LOL you might have something there! I'm positive every gray hair on my head has the name of one of my kids on it!
That sounds like a fun lady!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Feel free to stop by again!
Yeah, Emmett is something. Our dachshund is not too sure what to think about this gangly sharp teeth puppy! lol
SO TRUE! My kids are killing me, but not nice and quickly. No, they are slowly torturing me to death.
That's something I should remember for later! ;)
are you sure that's why? may be you'd better ask..
mmm... living 100 years sounds too boring for me hahaha...
Crap. Now I am doomed. I'm past my half way point. Crap, crap, double crap!
true! I wonder if the more kids you have the shorter your life is!? haha
LOL! I'm doomed!
haha! That's probably so true
hello ...
I do not get confused, sometimes I do everything wrong, I'm not very good in English, sometimes I still need the help of Google, I am always very careful about what I will write because we can understand things in different ways I know you love your kids, and you have a good humor I love your way of being, please I am sorry if what I wrote seemed so
ups, I would forget to tell you, thank you for your compliment, but the house is not mine, is the apartment of my friend who is with the Santa hat, her name is Carol, but the nickname is her poses, and she is the mother of a beautiful boy named CauĆ£, and he also has Down syndrome
have a great week
I have NO DOUBT that you are 100% correct.
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