This is what happens when Mercede has nothing to do. School was out last Friday and I had a 10 hour work day and Child Husband was home with the kids. This only happens this bad when Child Husband is
In other news, I have been gone over a week because I had some mad days at work, then my internet company had some issues and it took them over three days to fix the problem. I just haven't had time to get on the computor. I did check my email a few times at the office but was out of time for anything else.
Good news is that Ben left the hospital a few days ago! Thank you so much for all your prayers. He is done with his chemo and still needs many prayers as there are still so many challenges that he could face. Aysha was running up to everyone in the store telling them how God had healed Ben. It is the best news ever!
My SIL Scott could use your prayers, we just got a call tonight that she was in the hospital. Her arm and face were going numb and her blood pressure super high. I was just in her town on Saturday and took these pictures with her kids.
This is 9 month old Ireland getting a bath. Look at them eyes.

This is the coolest tree. The kids all loved it.

My BIL Devin says he is riding a rhinoceros.

Last is a picture I took last week of Scott with her two youngest kids

I've got a super busy work week and I'm going to try catching up with everyone when I can. Again, thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
Sorry to hear about your SIL will keep her in my prayers. Do glad to hear your daughter is doing better! Thanks for sharing -- Much Love --
Good news and bad news---I'm happy for one and not so much the other!
Love to you all!
Good to have you back!
Will say a prayer for Scott.
Haha...Mercedes had some fun didn't she?! Glad she's feeling better.
That tree is awesome!
Good news about Mercedes..and BEN!! Yay!
Scott will be in my prayers.
That is one cool tree.
first..thank goodness that mercedes is doing well...sorry about the mess though. yeah for Ben too!
and, i'm totally in love with tree..is that weird? your kiddos def make the pic though!
Glad to see you back!!! I was starting to wonder about you!!!
I'll be praying for Ben and Scott
I love that you call your hubby, 'Child Husband'.. that's the best.
Glad to hear that Mercede isn't having any more spells!
Gorgeous pictures!
Thanks for the update(s). Sorry it's been a rough week+. Praying things will smooth out soon for you and those you love!
I hope your SIL is alright.
I love the photo of Mercedes mess! So funny...looks like my son's room. Glad to hear that she's doing well.
Nice to see you back. Looks like Mercedes was busy. Sorry to hear about your SIL!
OMG I was starting to worry about you, Girl...thought you might have dumped me, LOL I've missed you:(
I'm sorry to hear about your SIL, I've got high BP myself, but never (thank goodness) had any issues like that!! Good luck to her!!
Glad to hear Mercede is doing good, and from the looks of that room, she is actually doing better than good, huh? LOL
And that is great news about Ben:)
That tree is something else, what cool pix!!
I will keep your family in my prayers. So glad Mercede is doing better. Loved the flood pictures
cute pics! Hope she (scott) is Ok. Great picture of the mess. That sounds just like my kids-- seek and destroy!!
Your two other lovely children are welcome to visit anytime. lol Just kidding. We would love to have Mercede too. ;)
Hope Scott is okay, keep us updated.
LOL at what Mercede did to her room and your pillows! But at least she's doing better. It must be nice getting back to 'normal'. lol
Glad to hear about Ben...will keep those positive vibes going.
I will also hold your sil Scott in my thoughts. Symptoms are weird and I wonder if they're connected. Well I guess they could both be symptoms of something but it doesn't sound like one caused the other...know what I mean? Keep us updated. Also, what are the names of her kids? I love that the baby is Ireland. It makes me curious about the other kids' names. I'm weird that way...along with many many other ways! lol
HUGS to you hun....I've been slightly MIA myself and I definately think of you and miss you when you're not around. HUGS
That tree is AWESOME! That naked baby is adorable. That mess your daughter made is not so cool. :o)
I will be praying! You took some great pics, guess you don't need the Photoshop Elements over at SITS...hahaha.
Thanks for stopping by and to answer your question, three are mine and three are my husbands...so I guess, ya basically they're all mine after 10 years!
Glad to hear that Ms. Mercedes is okay. That room looks VERY similar to a couple in my house...interesting...
momma of 4, yeah it is totally weird, you having a thing for that tree!! lol
Lori, Scotts name is the odd one. Her name is Scott Michael. Her kids are Jay (named after his father), Lauren Micheal (I about killed her for that one) and then Ireland.
Hey thanks for stopping by today -- no I haven't seen the drunken one you will have to share that one. Much Love
I'm glad you let us know you are still alive and kicking. Well at least you had both good and bad news and not ALL bad news for us. "Child Husband" - I love that.
I'm visiting you via SITS.
Happy SITS DAY!!!!!
I'm at the bottom of the first page and I wanted to take a moment to say 'hey!' and to tell you I think you have a BEAUTIFUL family!
I'm going to go and read more now.
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