Yesterday was a day I taught my daughters all about the dangers of flooding.
First thing to teach them was that Flooding makes for good pictures.
Second thing to teach them is that you should always stay behind the police tape.(especially when there is a policeman behind you while you are snapping pictures)
Third thing to teach them, is to go to the other side of the flooded road (cause the policeman can't get to you there without a boat.)
Fourth, don't read signs, they mean nothing.
Fifth, police tape don't mean a thing either.
Six, get as close to the flooding as you can.....
and snap a bunch of pictures that will make your dad call you and scream at you about the harm your putting your kids in.......
also making sure you get a photo of how swift the water is.
Seventh, take a picture of the people on the other side of the road... and then wonder why they are now crossing the police line.......then notice that the policeman is now not there.
Eight, tell your kids to run like heck cause you heard the policeman either got a boat or is now taking the long route to get to you.
Nine, say a prayer for all those who aren't as fortunate as we are :(
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5 hours ago
Yowza! We have had major flooding in our area for the past few can be very scary.
Glad you all are safe and sound.
Thanks for the Mercedes story...crack me up!
That's some big time flooding!! Your daughters are adorable. Glad the policeman didn't come get you. hehe
Wow. Thanks for making this whole thing real. (Love the green crocs, BTW--too cute!)
You crack me up! Too funny. Was that your home town?
you are too funny! Great pics!
AMEN, and a prayer for the policeman...LOL!
That is a lot of water. We have had so much water the last several days. Today was nice and yesterday was not bad. My sister said you guys (in Columbia) got 5 1/2 inches on Sunday alone.
Cute pics. The last one is funny!
Aaaah, ha ha ha! You actually caught them on camera running away like they're going to get busted, that is fun-nee!
Glad you guys are safe. There are only so many places the water can go in flat MO.
WOW at the flooding!!! And hey, that looks like an excellent lesson you taught the girls, MOM OF THE YEAR;) And yes, we are all saying prayers for each and every family that has it far worse!!!
At least your girls didn't try to go swimming, right? LOL
Glad the rain finally ended! We had water in our basement - our finished basement - ugh. But it wasn't to bad this time, we've had worse. Love the pics and your captions cracked me up. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for letting me add you to my side bar and yes, you may add me to your side bar.
Hope you have a wonderful sun shiny day.
Ok, I'm half asleep and I thought your title said Food Safety. I was wondering why the heck you were blogging about food safety and then when I started reading your blog I realized it had nothing to do with food safety. :-/
I love the pictures & captions. Wow! Kel said it had really flooded in thru that area but I wasn't expecting all of that!
what a fun little post...and a reminder of how we can still be lighthearted in dark times. you always do that well. i love how the kiddos are running! sooooo funny!
That last picture made me laugh with your three girls running. Glad your and your family are safe and sound.
You are one crazy beotch ya know? LOL But it makes for great blog writing. hehe Your girls are going to be realize that's what you're teaching them, right??? lol
Oh my! That some crazy flooding. I'm glad you are all OK.
These photos are great!
Wow, That is some really high waters..Looks like the flooding there is pretty bad..Love, Marci
Wow, you did get a lot of rain. Cute photos. We got a lot here but nothing like that.
I called you back and you never called me back. ;)
Finally! Someone agrees with me that police tape doesn't really mean anything! Great pictures! Very funny!
So funny!
Why didn't you let them play in the water?
Ha! You are so funny. My dad took us down to the beach to "feel the hurricane" when we were in Maui in 1984... My mom was livid.
Here in Kansas the local TV station will say a tornado is on the ground a mile from our house and guess where we are. Out driving around looking for the tornado! We is smart! :)
Wow, that flood is insane. Glad to see you're all well!
P.S. The laptop is fixed! :)
Ok that is funny!
You teach the way i do!!!
Thank you for visiting me on my special day.
I love your blog & will definitely be back for more!
Wow. That's some flooding. You sure know how to teach the basis of flood safety! :)
wow, great lessons!!!
did you get into the water to take the picture of the people?
Your girls are so cute! That's alot of water and the currents looked pretty strong, I can only imagine. Much Love and Thanks for stopping by today!
Oh my, I feel like I am back in West Virgina once again. (I grew up on the Shenandoah River and every spring it would flood!) We sure like dot scare our Mom too!
Gayla, why didn't you break out the water wings and throw the girls in for a swimming lesson why you were there? ha ha! I love the girls fleeing for their safety --priceless!!
Nothing like teaching a "hands on" lesson! Glad you were all safe from the flooding.
Huh, I thought I commented on this one. Obviously I was thinking about commenting, then got interrupted by a rude child needing something trivial like dinner. The nerve. Anyway, love these pictures. Bloggers and scrapbookers will do just about anything for a photo op, won't we?
Yes, they will Heather!! lol
I love this post!! I would have been out there with my camera too!
Yikes! I have never had our town flood that bad! but your story telling is too funny!
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